
In the ‘Humanities’ building (p.zza F. Brunelleschi, 4), publications are freely available for consultation in the Orientalistics Room; journals and volumes on Egyptology are also to be found in the Archaeology, Classical Philology and Ancient History Rooms and in the Periodicals Room, as well as in the Library's collection. Works of particular antiquity and value are stored in the Rare Room (access by appointment). Most of the student resources, such as textbooks, dictionaries and grammars, text and archaeological collections, are located in the Orientalistics Room; the volumes in the reference rooms, unless otherwise indicated, are subject to short loan. 

Link to the ‘Humanities’ library


The ‘G. Vitelli’ Papyrological Institute (B.go Albizi, 12), among its 60,000 volumes mainly devoted to papyrology and classical and late antique philology, has more than 2,600 books and journals in the field of Egyptology, with a focus on the philological and textual aspect, and on Greco-Roman Egypt. Many of the leading Egyptological journals and series and other study resources can be found here. The library also holds particularly valuable volumes, such as the 1826 edition of the Description de l'Égypte, a 1586 copy of Peter Valerian's Hieroglyphica, and two bifolios containing the historical map of Egypt made by the cartographer Ortelius at the end of the 16th century. In addition, the collection is enriched by three funds derived from the bequests of E. Mangiacapra-Ortali, S. Bosticco, and P. R. Del Francia. The Institute's library is open to the public during opening hours. The volumes are for consultation only, but copying services are available; the Reading Room is equipped with various study stations.

Link to the Papyrological Institute library


Both libraries are constantly updated with periodic acquisitions. The complete catalogue of the library holdings can be consulted online through the University Library System website, via the Onesearch interface, and is included in the National Library Circuit (OPAC).


The following libraries with Egyptological publications outside the University Library System are also noted:

National Archaeological Museum Library

Berenson Library

Last update



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