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Academic Postholders and Associate Members

Federico Contardi
Associate Professor


Ilaria Cariddi
Research fellow


Micòl Di Teodoro
Research fellow
Project PRIN 2022 “Tradition Processing (TRA.PRO). Forms and patterns in the transmission and tradition of the Book of the Dead”


Marta Valerio

Research fellow
Project PRIN 2022 “Tradition Processing (TRA.PRO). Forms and patterns in the transmission and tradition of the Book of the Dead”


Gloria Rosati
Associate Professor (retired)

Visiting Professor

Sandra Lippert
Directrice de recherche, École Pratique des Hautes Études - Paris


Abdel Rahman Abdel Samie
Project: "A group of unpublished hieratic ostraca from Deir el-Medina in the Egyptian Museum Cairo"
Dottorato di ricerca in Studi Storici (XXXVII ciclo)
Tutor: F. Contardi; G. Lenzo (Université de Lausanne).


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