Why study Egyptology in Florence

Studying Egyptology at the University of Florence means: 

  • Attending courses at the chair with the longest and almost uninterrupted tradition of teaching the subject in Italy, along with Turin. The first teaching dates back to 1882 and has continued, with short intervals, to the present day.
  • After an introductory training in the fundamentals of the pharaonic civilisation, acquire a solid education in the different linguistic stages and scripts of ancient Egyptian, which is indispensable to be able to access textual sources and thus critically address historical, cultural and religious phenomena.
  • To be able to learn also through educational experiences about the materials preserved in the important collection of antiquities in the ‘Egyptian Museum’ (Archaeological Museum of Florence) and other smaller collections.
  • Having a rich library for study and research.
  • Being able to do internships in museums with Egyptological collections.

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